Aceitunas Cazorla: Innovation and Tradition in the Olive Industry
Aceitunas Cazorla is a global leader in the production and distribution of table olives, with a presence in over 78 countries and a strong commitment to quality and sustainability.
Operating from our facilities in Spain, we export 70% of our production, solidifying our position as one of the world’s leading companies in the category. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our brands, such as La Explanada Gourmet and La Sota, which are crafted to meet the expectations of the most discerning consumers.
Innovation, environmental sustainability, and market adaptability are the cornerstones of our business philosophy. Would you like to learn more about our products and global impact? Click «Read more.»
スペインに製造拠点を置きながら、生産量の70%を輸出することにより、この分野における世界のリーディング企業の1つとしての地位を固めてきました。当社の最高品質へのこだわりはLa Explanada Gourmet や La Sotaなどのブランドに反映されており、最も目の肥えた消費者の期待に応えるべく丁寧に作られています。